Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency. It has an open source that no one owns or controls. Its transactions and emissions are regulated by an extensive peer-to-peer network. The cryptocurrency uses a single database distributed on the network, included in a decentralized peer-to-peer network that uses an electronic digital signature and is supported by a proof-of-work protocol to ensure the security and legitimacy of the funds put into circulation.
News about Bitcoin
06 Apr 2023, 02:31
RT @ProfJulieHill: My new draft article discusses whether the Federal Reserve has authority to reject account and payment services requests…
RT @ProfJulieHill: My new draft article discusses whether the Federal Reserve has authority to reject account and payment servicRT @ProfJulieHill: My new draft article discusses whether the Federal Reserve has authority to reject account and payment services requests…
03 Apr 2023, 02:05
Praying for crypto bros everywhere. 🙏
Praying for crypto bros everywhere.Praying for crypto bros everywhere. 🙏
https://t.co/SJqXAUBjoF https://t.co/puVldHmYyT
31 Mar 2023, 18:08
If a sitting senator (and member of sen. finance committee) coordinated with notorious short sellers to destroy a US bank to settle a political greivance .... hoooo boy
If a sitting senator (and member of sen.👀 https://t.co/ph6WiUQGOz
If a sitting senator (and member of sen. finance committee) coordinated with notorious short sellers to destroy a US bank to settle a political greivance .... hoooo boy
30 Mar 2023, 02:14
RT @davidzmorris: Somebody hired a VERY expensive "boutique reputation management" firm to try and get us to pull this piece. Enjoy!
RT @davidzmorris: Somebody hired a VERY expensive "boutique reputation management" firm to try and get us to pull this piece.RT @davidzmorris: Somebody hired a VERY expensive "boutique reputation management" firm to try and get us to pull this piece. Enjoy!
29 Mar 2023, 23:24
RT @nic__carter: FDIC chair Gruenberg lied at least twice in his testimony to Congress today:
1. says SigNet IP has already been sold (fa…
RT @nic__carter: FDIC chair Gruenberg lied at least twice in his testimony to Congress today:.RT @nic__carter: FDIC chair Gruenberg lied at least twice in his testimony to Congress today:
1. says SigNet IP has already been sold (fa…
28 Mar 2023, 18:14
RT @RadarHits: BREAKING‼️🇪🇺 Banks will lose control if they don't use a central bank digital currency (CBDC), says Christine Lagarde, ECB P…
RT @RadarHits: BREAKING Banks will lose control if they don't use a central bank digital currency (CBDC), says Christine LagardeRT @RadarHits: BREAKING‼️🇪🇺 Banks will lose control if they don't use a central bank digital currency (CBDC), says Christine Lagarde, ECB P…
27 Mar 2023, 16:06
RT @crypto: Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, and CEO Changpeng Zhao, are being sued by the US Commodity Futures Tradin…
RT @crypto: Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, and CEO Changpeng Zhao, are being sued by the US Commodity FutRT @crypto: Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, and CEO Changpeng Zhao, are being sued by the US Commodity Futures Tradin…
27 Mar 2023, 15:02
RT @saylor: MicroStrategy repaid its $205M Silvergate loan at a 22% discount. As of 3/23/23, $MSTR acquired an additional ~6,455 bitcoins f…
RT @saylor: MicroStrategy repaid its $205M Silvergate loan at a 22% discount.RT @saylor: MicroStrategy repaid its $205M Silvergate loan at a 22% discount. As of 3/23/23, $MSTR acquired an additional ~6,455 bitcoins f…
25 Mar 2023, 19:11
RT @BitcoinMagazine: JUST IN: 🇺🇸 US Senator reintroduces legislation to prohibit the Fed from issuing a CBDC.
"The US doesn't need to crea…
RT @BitcoinMagazine: JUST IN: US Senator reintroduces legislation to prohibit the Fed from issuing a CBDC.RT @BitcoinMagazine: JUST IN: 🇺🇸 US Senator reintroduces legislation to prohibit the Fed from issuing a CBDC.
"The US doesn't need to crea…
24 Mar 2023, 22:50
RT @CaitlinLong_: The @federalreserve just reiterated its conclusion, in the middle of a banking crisis it did not see coming, that a bank…
RT @CaitlinLong_: The @federalreserve just reiterated its conclusion, in the middle of a banking crisis it did not see coming, tRT @CaitlinLong_: The @federalreserve just reiterated its conclusion, in the middle of a banking crisis it did not see coming, that a bank…
24 Mar 2023, 13:39
RT @business: Nasdaq expects to launch crypto safekeeping services this year, joining a growing pool of traditional finance firms moving in…
RT @business: Nasdaq expects to launch crypto safekeeping services this year, joining a growing pool of traditional finance firmRT @business: Nasdaq expects to launch crypto safekeeping services this year, joining a growing pool of traditional finance firms moving in…
24 Mar 2023, 05:15
RT @gladstein: Something that blew my mind when I first learned it:
Bitcoin's mining difficulty is updated every 2,016 blocks... as in, 61…
RT @gladstein: Something that blew my mind when I first learned it:. Bitcoin's mining difficulty is updated every 2,016 blocks.RT @gladstein: Something that blew my mind when I first learned it:
Bitcoin's mining difficulty is updated every 2,016 blocks... as in, 61…
23 Mar 2023, 21:55
RT @MrBUIDL: These are The Architects of Choke Point 2.0
These are assassinations of otherwise functional banks that dared to service a p…
RT @MrBUIDL: These are The Architects of Choke Point 2.RT @MrBUIDL: These are The Architects of Choke Point 2.0
These are assassinations of otherwise functional banks that dared to service a p…
23 Mar 2023, 06:31
RT @_WolfNYC: Applications to our second cohort are open until April 7th. Wolf provides funding, mentorship and expertise to take your earl…
RT @_WolfNYC: Applications to our second cohort are open until April 7th.RT @_WolfNYC: Applications to our second cohort are open until April 7th. Wolf provides funding, mentorship and expertise to take your earl…
23 Mar 2023, 02:58
RT @FossGregfoss: When the Fed raises rates so aggressively, the "cap rates" on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) should rise in lockstep.
RT @FossGregfoss: When the Fed raises rates so aggressively, the "cap rates" on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) should rise in lockRT @FossGregfoss: When the Fed raises rates so aggressively, the "cap rates" on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) should rise in lockstep.
22 Mar 2023, 20:46
The @federalreserve chair Powell has blamed the banking crisis on bad management and a need to review regulatory oversight.
Maybe he forgot what he said in 2012? Both?
The @federalreserve chair Powell has blamed the banking crisis on bad management and a need to review regulatory oversight.The @federalreserve chair Powell has blamed the banking crisis on bad management and a need to review regulatory oversight.
Maybe he forgot what he said in 2012? Both? https://t.co/WwmUv9a0Nr
21 Mar 2023, 00:50
CBDCs versus #Bitcoin @thecryptoc0up1e
CBDCs versus #Bitcoin @thecryptoc0up1e.CBDCs versus #Bitcoin @thecryptoc0up1e https://t.co/meePlHgVla
20 Mar 2023, 21:07
RT @BitcoinMagazine: JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Florida Governor hosts press conference pushing for central bank digital currency ban - “No CBDC in Florid…
RT @BitcoinMagazine: JUST IN: Florida Governor hosts press conference pushing for central bank digital currency ban - "No CBDC iRT @BitcoinMagazine: JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Florida Governor hosts press conference pushing for central bank digital currency ban - “No CBDC in Florid…
18 Mar 2023, 16:48
RT @CaitlinLong_: YET ANOTHER CALL for full-reserve banks (the biz model denied by the Fed just before the bank runs hit & calls started co…
RT @CaitlinLong_: YET ANOTHER CALL for full-reserve banks (the biz model denied by the Fed just before the bank runs hit & callsRT @CaitlinLong_: YET ANOTHER CALL for full-reserve banks (the biz model denied by the Fed just before the bank runs hit & calls started co…
16 Mar 2023, 17:49
RT @_WolfNYC: Wolf is excited to announce that 8 rockstar teams have been accepted into our inaugural cohort, Wolfpack 1. Equally as exciti…
RT @_WolfNYC: Wolf is excited to announce that 8 rockstar teams have been accepted into our inaugural cohort, Wolfpack 1.RT @_WolfNYC: Wolf is excited to announce that 8 rockstar teams have been accepted into our inaugural cohort, Wolfpack 1. Equally as exciti…
16 Mar 2023, 15:03
RT @GRDecter: Credit Suisse, a bank that lost $7.8 billion last year, is being rescued by a bank that lost $143 billion last year.
Gotta l…
RT @GRDecter: Credit Suisse, a bank that lost $7.RT @GRDecter: Credit Suisse, a bank that lost $7.8 billion last year, is being rescued by a bank that lost $143 billion last year.
Gotta l…
15 Mar 2023, 19:33
RT @CaitlinLong_: DID YOU KNOW, @mattyglesias, that @custodiabank proposed EXACTLY this & the Fed denied it on Jan 27 as “unsafe & unsound”…
RT @CaitlinLong_: DID YOU KNOW, @mattyglesias, that @custodiabank proposed EXACTLY this & the Fed denied it on Jan 27 as "unsafeRT @CaitlinLong_: DID YOU KNOW, @mattyglesias, that @custodiabank proposed EXACTLY this & the Fed denied it on Jan 27 as “unsafe & unsound”…
14 Mar 2023, 05:38
RT @yassineARK: Over the weekend, Bitcoin settled ~$33 billion, facilitated ~600k transactions, & issued 2,037 new BTC at a steady & predic…
RT @yassineARK: Over the weekend, Bitcoin settled ~$33 billion, facilitated ~600k transactions, & issued 2,037 new BTC at a steaRT @yassineARK: Over the weekend, Bitcoin settled ~$33 billion, facilitated ~600k transactions, & issued 2,037 new BTC at a steady & predic…
14 Mar 2023, 02:16
RT @LynAldenContact: Years ago, The Narrow Bank tried to do a business model of just taking deposits and holding 100% of them in reserves a…
RT @LynAldenContact: Years ago, The Narrow Bank tried to do a business model of just taking deposits and holding 100% of them inRT @LynAldenContact: Years ago, The Narrow Bank tried to do a business model of just taking deposits and holding 100% of them in reserves a…
13 Mar 2023, 06:38
RT @FDICgov: We are establishing a bridge bank to protect all depositors of Signature Bank, New York, and to preserve the value of the inst…
RT @FDICgov: We are establishing a bridge bank to protect all depositors of Signature Bank, New York, and to preserve the valueRT @FDICgov: We are establishing a bridge bank to protect all depositors of Signature Bank, New York, and to preserve the value of the inst…
13 Mar 2023, 05:53
RT @TuurDemeester: I was confused learning that France’s hyperinflationary paper money actually wasn’t cash but rather were short term IOUs…
RT @TuurDemeester: I was confused learning that France's hyperinflationary paper money actually wasn't cash but rather were shorRT @TuurDemeester: I was confused learning that France’s hyperinflationary paper money actually wasn’t cash but rather were short term IOUs…
13 Mar 2023, 03:07
RT @krakenfx: 1/3 Kraken USD funding will continue uninterrupted. Our long history and record of compliance has enabled us to maintain sign…
RT @krakenfx: 1/3 Kraken USD funding will continue uninterrupted.RT @krakenfx: 1/3 Kraken USD funding will continue uninterrupted. Our long history and record of compliance has enabled us to maintain sign…
11 Mar 2023, 18:45
RT @unusual_whales: This is truly unusual.
The CEO of Silicon Valley Bank was on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San…
RT @unusual_whales: This is truly unusual.RT @unusual_whales: This is truly unusual.
The CEO of Silicon Valley Bank was on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San…
09 Mar 2023, 03:18
A depression with double-digit unemployment rates would not be that bad. Cheaper services, cheaper real estate, etc.
A depression with double-digit unemployment rates would not be that bad. Cheaper services, cheaper real estate, etc.A depression with double-digit unemployment rates would not be that bad. Cheaper services, cheaper real estate, etc. https://t.co/XYL2OkKScd
08 Mar 2023, 16:02
A decade of housing affordability declining. In Atlanta, the average monthly mortgage payment risen from $320 in 2012 to just under $2,000 now.
The price correction may be painful.
A decade of housing affordability declining.A decade of housing affordability declining. In Atlanta, the average monthly mortgage payment risen from $320 in 2012 to just under $2,000 now.
The price correction may be painful. https://t.co/1LHPB1QImU
06 Mar 2023, 14:47
25 Feb 2023, 18:05
"Our generation has bestowed upon us both the gift of being the founding fathers of a new world, and the curse of enduring clown world for this privilege." @GhostOfSvetski
"Our generation has bestowed upon us both the gift of being the founding fathers of a new world, and the curse of enduring clown"Our generation has bestowed upon us both the gift of being the founding fathers of a new world, and the curse of enduring clown world for this privilege." @GhostOfSvetski
24 Feb 2023, 17:42
The cover of my thesis is the bone structure of a stag's antlers, which allows their species to physically compete for control over resources (e.g. territory, mating rights) & secure themselves against predators (e.g. wolves) while minimizing fratricide. It is a symbolic metaphor…
The cover of my thesis is the bone structure of a stag's antlers, which allows their species to physically compete for control ohttps://t.co/ObedcTla3Y https://t.co/wSEooplaVV
The cover of my thesis is the bone structure of a stag's antlers, which allows their species to physically compete for control over resources (e.g. territory, mating rights) & secure themselves against predators (e.g. wolves) while minimizing fratricide. It is a symbolic metaphor… https://t.co/NN0LrMUEGq https://t.co/c6kUtWoXfQ
20 Feb 2023, 03:11
RT @jespow: I have a theory:
Regulators let the bad guys get big and blow up because it serves their agenda.
1. destroy capital/resources…
RT @jespow: I have a theory:. Regulators let the bad guys get big and blow up because it serves their agenda.RT @jespow: I have a theory:
Regulators let the bad guys get big and blow up because it serves their agenda.
1. destroy capital/resources…
17 Feb 2023, 02:27
RT @SECGov: Today we charged Singapore-based Terraform Labs PTE Ltd and Do Hyeong Kwon with orchestrating a multi-billion-dollar crypto ass…
RT @SECGov: Today we charged Singapore-based Terraform Labs PTE Ltd and Do Hyeong Kwon with orchestrating a multi-billion-dollarRT @SECGov: Today we charged Singapore-based Terraform Labs PTE Ltd and Do Hyeong Kwon with orchestrating a multi-billion-dollar crypto ass…
14 Feb 2023, 14:58
everything is good for #bitcoin. it’s like the hulk, if you agitate it gets stronger.
everything is good for #bitcoin. it's like the hulk, if you agitate it gets stronger.everything is good for #bitcoin. it’s like the hulk, if you agitate it gets stronger.
13 Feb 2023, 16:26
RT @Breedlove22: In ancient western Africa, aggry beads—small, decorative glass beads—were used as money for many centuries. When Europeans…
RT @Breedlove22: In ancient western Africa, aggry beads—small, decorative glass beads—were used as money for many centuries.RT @Breedlove22: In ancient western Africa, aggry beads—small, decorative glass beads—were used as money for many centuries. When Europeans…
13 Feb 2023, 05:54
How is this week going to turn out for #Bitcoin?
How is this week going to turn out for #Bitcoin.How is this week going to turn out for #Bitcoin? https://t.co/I09msJgv8e
11 Feb 2023, 02:25
RT @MarkYusko: Talent is hitting the 🎯 that others can’t hit
Genius is hitting the 🎯 that others can’t see
RT @MarkYusko: Talent is hitting the that others can't hit. Genius is hitting the that others can't see.RT @MarkYusko: Talent is hitting the 🎯 that others can’t hit
Genius is hitting the 🎯 that others can’t see
09 Feb 2023, 18:09
08 Feb 2023, 18:11
RT @resistancemoney: A recent Policy Statement on Section 9(13) of the Federal Reserve Act argues that banks cannot issue stablecoins. If f…
RT @resistancemoney: A recent Policy Statement on Section 9(13) of the Federal Reserve Act argues that banks cannot issue stableRT @resistancemoney: A recent Policy Statement on Section 9(13) of the Federal Reserve Act argues that banks cannot issue stablecoins. If f…
07 Feb 2023, 19:02
RT @nic__carter: I don't want to alarm, but since the turn of the year, a new Operation Choke Point type operation began targeting the cryp…
RT @nic__carter: I don't want to alarm, but since the turn of the year, a new Operation Choke Point type operation began targetiRT @nic__carter: I don't want to alarm, but since the turn of the year, a new Operation Choke Point type operation began targeting the cryp…
25 Jan 2023, 13:08
22 Jan 2023, 21:49
Keep buying those green candles during a bear market rally.
Keep buying those green candles during a bear market rally.Keep buying those green candles during a bear market rally. https://t.co/OCYnO6Qrk5